Can an Electrician install an Air Conditioner?

If you’ve recently purchased a new air conditioning unit, you’re probably wondering how to go about having it installed. While many people these days are turning towards ‘do-it-yourself’ solutions for some of their electrical needs, there are many reasons to hire a professional electrical company to install your air conditioning system.

  1. Lay people are not equipped with the skills and tools to do the job

There are aspects of the installation process that are best left to an expert. For example, only a qualified electrician will know how to take the necessary measurements, as well as what adjustments and allowances might be required. Another important aspect of the installation is sealing the duct at the end of the job to avoid leakage; this is best handled by an experienced professional, who knows exactly what they’re doing.

  1. Improper installation will cause damage to the unit and probably your building

Air conditioning installers usually work in competent teams of two or more, as great care is needed in the proper handling of air conditioning units. This way, they can avoid causing damage to both the unit and building during installation.

  1. It could cost you more in the long run

If you damage parts of the air conditioner or your building whilst attempting to install it yourself – or engaging the services of a non-professional – you will likely end up incurring extra costs in the form of repairs. Also, you’ll probably spend much more than you would have had initially in hiring an expert. Remember that poorly installed electrical appliances can lead to a short circuit or even jeopardise the building’s wiring completely.

  1. Safety first

Installing permanent electrical fixtures can be extremely dangerous. In the case of air conditioning installation, the wires that run power to the device hold 220 volts of electrical charge, which is enough to seriously injure a person or even kill them in the worst-case scenario. Hiring a professional with training and experience in electrical safety is an infinitely better idea than tinkering around in a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Other considerations

There are several factors to consider that might not occur to the lay person, but are obvious to a trained electrician. For example, an experienced electrician will ensure the power input and performance output of your new unit are what they should be, as well check to see if there are any leaky ducts or improper air flow. They canalso consider whether the placement of your new air conditioner will have any negative effects on your neighbours (such as heat or noise).

Air conditioners are expensive and also useful for when the heat strikes; you should only allow them to be handled by a professional, so that you get the very best value out of your purchase.