We are the number one electrical company for local letting agents and landlords!
We know as a Landlord it is imperative that when an unexpected problem occurs at one of your properties you can confidently contact a company that has a fast response time, high quality workmanship at affordable prices.
Anyone who lets residential accommodation (such as houses, flats and bedsits, holiday homes, caravans and boats) as a business activity is required by law to ensure the equipment they supply as part of the tenancy is safe.
The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994 requires that all mains electrical equipment (cookers, washing machines, kettles, etc), new or second-hand, supplied with the accommodation must be safe. Landlords therefore need to regularly maintain the electrical equipment they supply to ensure it is safe.
It is strongly advisable to have the equipment checked before the start of each let. It would be good practice to have the equipment checked at regular intervals thereafter. You should obtain and retain test reports detailing the equipment, the tests carried out and the results.
We are proud to say that we are an NiCEIC Domestic Installer. This gives our customers peace of mind you expect when choosing a certified domestic or industrial electrician because we carry out all our jobs according to the latest regulation, all our domestic and industrial electricians are NICEIC registered. NiCEIC is the leading national certification body for electrical installers.

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Landlords choose Electrics On Tap for many reasons
- Rapid response
- Affordable prices
- We contact your tenants, arrange access with on time appointments or access with management keys.
- Job reports from site, directly from electricians
- Full clean uniform worn at all times so tenants know who we are
- Emergency call outs 24hrs, 7 days a week, 365days a year
- If your tenanted property has no heating and awaits a part we will loan out electric heaters free of charge until the boiler is working again so tenants are as comfortable as possible especially in the winter months
- Electrical Installations
- Electrical Inspections
- PAT Testing
- Additional Installations
- Lighting
- Diagnostic and repairs
- Out Door power/lighting
- Safety and Security
- Heating Systems
- Electric Showers
Other great services under On Tap Group
- Plumbing & Heating
- Fire Alarms
- Household security
- Property maintenance
- If there is something we can not do, we will help you find a company that can.